
Find out how to use the BitvUnit library to automate your checks.

Sample (with Hamcrest matchers and XmlRuleSet)

The following sample demonstrates already a bunch of features that are coming with the BitvUnit library. The sample shows how to check against a set of rules defined in a XML document with the use of the provided Hamcrest matchers to verify accessibility compliance.

package demo;

// imports omitted

public class SampleHamcrestMatchersWithXmlRuleSetTest {

    public void checkBitvUnitHomepage() throws Exception {
        HtmlPage pageUnderTest = new WebClient().getPage("");
        assertThat(pageUnderTest, is(compliantTo(allRules())));


API Docs

The latest version of the API docs generated from the Javadoc is constantly updated at the following location:

Not enough?

If you know other ways of using the library that should be documented here please use the Issue Tracker on GitHub and explain your way of getting the most out of this library!

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